Corporate Governance
Commitment to the
Austrian Corporate Governance Code
The shares of AUSTRIACARD HOLDINGS AG have been listed on the Vienna Stock Exchange and the Athens Stock Exchange since March 2023. The Management Board and the Supervisory Board of AUSTRIACARD HOLDINGS AG are committed to the principles of good corporate governance and the Company is subject to the regulations of the Austrian Code of Corporate Governance (“ÖCGK”). The ÖCGK pursues the goal of responsible management and control of companies and groups of companies with a focus on sustainable and long-term value creation and can be accessed here. The Code achieves a high degree of transparency for all stakeholders of the company.
Commitment to the Austrian Corporate Governance Code
- L-Rules (Legal Requirements) are based on mandatory legal provisions and must be applied by Austrian listed companies.
- C-Rules (Comply or Explain) should be observed. Any deviation must be explained and justified.
- R-Rules (Recommendations) have the character of recommendations. Non-compliance is neither to be disclosed nor justified.
Corporate Governance Report
The Corporate Governance Report of AUSTRIACARD HOLDINGS AG to be prepared annually pursuant to Section 243b of the Austrian Commercial Code (UGB) will be published for the first time in the coming year together with the Annual Report for the financial year 2023. It will contain all the information required by law.