Security Printing

With more than 40 years of experience in security printing, having certified our production sites with ISO 14298, we have the know-how and the expertise to produce security paper products with high standards, combining conventional & digital printing, paper converting and digital security applications.

Producing security documents from scratch by applying a variety of physical and digital security levels, depending on each industry particularities and customized factors involved (forger risks, product final cost, authentication and validation methods) it’s our daily challenge.
Each security printing project is a mix of different security elements and production processes, supported by special equipment and our in-depth know-how. The production flow of all security documents is carried out by using the strictest quality & integrity controls in restricted access production areas which are monitored 24/7.

Paper & e-Certificates, Tax stamps, Medicine stamps, Authentication and Traceability solutions, Ballot Papers, Exam Papers, Bank checks, discount & gift coupons, Lottery coupons and receipts, as well as many other high security paper products compose our product portfolio.


  • Creation of tailor-made products based on the customer needs and industry particularities.
  • Integration of different technologies (conventional & digital) to enhance security, authentication and traceability.
  • Certified Operational Disaster Recovery production site for recovering processes in full scale into 48hours.

Production of Exam papers with integration of variable unique identifiers and personalization (candidate’s data, school…etc). Complete DMS (Document management solution) platform (scanning OMR, OCR, data extraction and validation)

Ballot papers with high security printing standards (watermark paper, secure serialization, invisible inks, embossing letters, guilloche patterns, anti-copy hidden images) using personalization and traceability techniques from the production up to each polling station.

Production of any kind of digital Certificate (birth, death, marriage, graduate, vehicle registration) using multiple printing technologies and methods in combination with digital printed elements and validation mobile apps.

Production of any kind of Checks for Banks, Retailers, Social Security and Health Services. We print and personalize checks & coupons with 100% integrity using the latest technology for printing-logging-tracking each unique page through production processes up to the final delivery destination.

Production of digital stamps and Direct Marking solutions on taxable products (tobacco, alcohol, soft drinks). Authentication & validation solutions trough the supply chain, order management, tax stamp activation & monitoring.

Production of lottery coupons and thermal receipts for all kinds of terminals. Any kind of coupon (serialized, multicolored, special packaging…etc) and receipts (thermal coated, non coated, printed, serialized…etc) with cutting accuracy of 0,02mm.

Identification, authentication & traceability of drugs through the supply chain can eliminate the falsified & counterfeit drugs, the theft of expensive drugs and fake drug prescriptioning.

We produce digital coding and unique identifiers on medicine boxes in form of labels or direct coding, driven through a digital repository and e-archiving platform which can be integrated with social security and health platforms. 


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You should read the following important notice before accessing, reading or using in any way the Prospectus on this website.

This Prospectus of the company under the corporate name “AUSTRIACARD HOLDINGS AG” (hereafter the “Company”) which can be accessed through this link ( of the website of NATIONAL BANK OF GREECE S.A., was approved by the Board of Directors of the Hellenic Capital Market Commission on 24.01.2023 and relates to the dual listing of the shares in the Company on the Regulated Market of the Athens Exchange and the Regulated Market of the Vienna Stock Exchange, including (a) the existing shares in the Company and (b) the new shares in the Company to be issued in the context of a capital increase due to the merger by absorption by the Company of the company under the corporate name “INFORM P. LYKOS HOLDINGS S.A.” (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Shares”).

The Prospectus is not published in relation to and does not constitute offer of Shares by or on behalf of the Company.

The Prospectus was approved by the Board of Directors of the Hellenic Capital Market Commission following its transfer by the Austrian Financial Market Authority pursuant to article 20(8) of Regulation (EU) 2017/1129, in connection with the information that must be furnished to investors as required under Regulation (EU) 2017/1129, Greek law 4706/2020 and Delegated Regulations (EU) 2019/979 and 2019/980, as amended and in force. The aforementioned approval shall not be considered as an endorsement of the Company and the quality of the Shares that are the subject of the Prospectus. Investment in the Shares entails risks. Investors should make their own assessment as to the suitability of investing in the Shares.

The Prospectus will be valid for one (1) year from the date of its approval by the Board of Directors of the Hellenic Capital Market Commission. Each significant new factor, material mistake, or material inaccuracy relating to the information included in the Prospectus which may affect the assessment of the Shares in the Company and which arises or is noted between the time when the Prospectus is approved and the commencement of trading of the Shares on the Regulated Market of the Athens Exchange and the Regulated Market of the Vienna Stock Exchange, will be included in a supplement to the Prospectus which will be published in accordance with article 23 of the Regulation 2017/1129 on the Prospectus, in accordance with at least the same arrangements made for the publication of the Prospectus. No obligation for the publication of a supplement to the Prospectus applies after the commencement of trading of the Shares on the Regulated Market of the Athens Exchange and the Regulated Market of the Vienna Stock Exchange.

Distribution of the Prospectus and any other documents or information contained in this link and this webpage may be in general restricted by the law and the regulatory framework applicable in some countries. This webpage and its content do not in any way constitute an offer for sale or solicitation to buy any securities in any jurisdiction where such offer or solicitation is unlawful under its applicable legislative and regulatory framework.

Finally, investors outside of Greece and Austria or investors subject to the relevant legislation and jurisdiction of other countries may be prohibited to exercise any rights deriving from the Shares, regardless of whether they acquire Shares in any way. If you are viewing this website from the USA, Canada, South Africa, Australia, Japan and / or any other country other than Greece and Austria, where the information provided in the Prospectus is not permitted by the law, please leave this website.


You should read the following important notice before accessing, reading or using in any way the Prospectus on this website.

This Prospectus of the company under the corporate name “AUSTRIACARD HOLDINGS AG” (hereafter the “Company”) which can be accessed through this link ( of the website of NATIONAL BANK OF GREECE S.A., was approved by the Board of Directors of the Hellenic Capital Market Commission on 24.01.2023 and relates to the dual listing of the shares in the Company on the Regulated Market of the Athens Exchange and the Regulated Market of the Vienna Stock Exchange, including (a) the existing shares in the Company and (b) the new shares in the Company to be issued in the context of a capital increase due to the merger by absorption by the Company of the company under the corporate name “INFORM P. LYKOS HOLDINGS S.A.” (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Shares”).

The Prospectus is not published in relation to and does not constitute offer of Shares by or on behalf of the Company.

The Prospectus was approved by the Board of Directors of the Hellenic Capital Market Commission following its transfer by the Austrian Financial Market Authority pursuant to article 20(8) of Regulation (EU) 2017/1129, in connection with the information that must be furnished to investors as required under Regulation (EU) 2017/1129, Greek law 4706/2020 and Delegated Regulations (EU) 2019/979 and 2019/980, as amended and in force. The aforementioned approval shall not be considered as an endorsement of the Company and the quality of the Shares that are the subject of the Prospectus. Investment in the Shares entails risks. Investors should make their own assessment as to the suitability of investing in the Shares.

The Prospectus will be valid for one (1) year from the date of its approval by the Board of Directors of the Hellenic Capital Market Commission. Each significant new factor, material mistake, or material inaccuracy relating to the information included in the Prospectus which may affect the assessment of the Shares in the Company and which arises or is noted between the time when the Prospectus is approved and the commencement of trading of the Shares on the Regulated Market of the Athens Exchange and the Regulated Market of the Vienna Stock Exchange, will be included in a supplement to the Prospectus which will be published in accordance with article 23 of the Regulation 2017/1129 on the Prospectus, in accordance with at least the same arrangements made for the publication of the Prospectus. No obligation for the publication of a supplement to the Prospectus applies after the commencement of trading of the Shares on the Regulated Market of the Athens Exchange and the Regulated Market of the Vienna Stock Exchange.

Distribution of the Prospectus and any other documents or information contained in this link and this webpage may be in general restricted by the law and the regulatory framework applicable in some countries. This webpage and its content do not in any way constitute an offer for sale or solicitation to buy any securities in any jurisdiction where such offer or solicitation is unlawful under its applicable legislative and regulatory framework.

Finally, investors outside of Greece and Austria or investors subject to the relevant legislation and jurisdiction of other countries may be prohibited to exercise any rights deriving from the Shares, regardless of whether they acquire Shares in any way. If you are viewing this website from the USA, Canada, South Africa, Australia, Japan and / or any other country other than Greece and Austria, where the information provided in the Prospectus is not permitted by the law, please leave this website.


You should read the following important notice before accessing, reading or using in any way the Prospectus on this website.

This Prospectus of the company under the corporate name “AUSTRIACARD HOLDINGS AG” (hereafter the “Company”) which can be accessed through this link ( of the website of NATIONAL BANK OF GREECE S.A., was approved by the Board of Directors of the Hellenic Capital Market Commission on 24.01.2023 and relates to the dual listing of the shares in the Company on the Regulated Market of the Athens Exchange and the Regulated Market of the Vienna Stock Exchange, including (a) the existing shares in the Company and (b) the new shares in the Company to be issued in the context of a capital increase due to the merger by absorption by the Company of the company under the corporate name “INFORM P. LYKOS HOLDINGS S.A.” (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Shares”).

The Prospectus is not published in relation to and does not constitute offer of Shares by or on behalf of the Company.

The Prospectus was approved by the Board of Directors of the Hellenic Capital Market Commission following its transfer by the Austrian Financial Market Authority pursuant to article 20(8) of Regulation (EU) 2017/1129, in connection with the information that must be furnished to investors as required under Regulation (EU) 2017/1129, Greek law 4706/2020 and Delegated Regulations (EU) 2019/979 and 2019/980, as amended and in force. The aforementioned approval shall not be considered as an endorsement of the Company and the quality of the Shares that are the subject of the Prospectus. Investment in the Shares entails risks. Investors should make their own assessment as to the suitability of investing in the Shares.

The Prospectus will be valid for one (1) year from the date of its approval by the Board of Directors of the Hellenic Capital Market Commission. Each significant new factor, material mistake, or material inaccuracy relating to the information included in the Prospectus which may affect the assessment of the Shares in the Company and which arises or is noted between the time when the Prospectus is approved and the commencement of trading of the Shares on the Regulated Market of the Athens Exchange and the Regulated Market of the Vienna Stock Exchange, will be included in a supplement to the Prospectus which will be published in accordance with article 23 of the Regulation 2017/1129 on the Prospectus, in accordance with at least the same arrangements made for the publication of the Prospectus. No obligation for the publication of a supplement to the Prospectus applies after the commencement of trading of the Shares on the Regulated Market of the Athens Exchange and the Regulated Market of the Vienna Stock Exchange.

Distribution of the Prospectus and any other documents or information contained in this link and this webpage may be in general restricted by the law and the regulatory framework applicable in some countries. This webpage and its content do not in any way constitute an offer for sale or solicitation to buy any securities in any jurisdiction where such offer or solicitation is unlawful under its applicable legislative and regulatory framework.

Finally, investors outside of Greece and Austria or investors subject to the relevant legislation and jurisdiction of other countries may be prohibited to exercise any rights deriving from the Shares, regardless of whether they acquire Shares in any way. If you are viewing this website from the USA, Canada, South Africa, Australia, Japan and / or any other country other than Greece and Austria, where the information provided in the Prospectus is not permitted by the law, please leave this website.


You should read the following important notice before accessing, reading or using in any way the Prospectus on this website.

This Prospectus of the company under the corporate name “AUSTRIACARD HOLDINGS AG” (hereafter the “Company”) which can be accessed through this link ( of the website of NATIONAL BANK OF GREECE S.A., was approved by the Board of Directors of the Hellenic Capital Market Commission on 24.01.2023 and relates to the dual listing of the shares in the Company on the Regulated Market of the Athens Exchange and the Regulated Market of the Vienna Stock Exchange, including (a) the existing shares in the Company and (b) the new shares in the Company to be issued in the context of a capital increase due to the merger by absorption by the Company of the company under the corporate name “INFORM P. LYKOS HOLDINGS S.A.” (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Shares”).

The Prospectus is not published in relation to and does not constitute offer of Shares by or on behalf of the Company.

The Prospectus was approved by the Board of Directors of the Hellenic Capital Market Commission following its transfer by the Austrian Financial Market Authority pursuant to article 20(8) of Regulation (EU) 2017/1129, in connection with the information that must be furnished to investors as required under Regulation (EU) 2017/1129, Greek law 4706/2020 and Delegated Regulations (EU) 2019/979 and 2019/980, as amended and in force. The aforementioned approval shall not be considered as an endorsement of the Company and the quality of the Shares that are the subject of the Prospectus. Investment in the Shares entails risks. Investors should make their own assessment as to the suitability of investing in the Shares.

The Prospectus will be valid for one (1) year from the date of its approval by the Board of Directors of the Hellenic Capital Market Commission. Each significant new factor, material mistake, or material inaccuracy relating to the information included in the Prospectus which may affect the assessment of the Shares in the Company and which arises or is noted between the time when the Prospectus is approved and the commencement of trading of the Shares on the Regulated Market of the Athens Exchange and the Regulated Market of the Vienna Stock Exchange, will be included in a supplement to the Prospectus which will be published in accordance with article 23 of the Regulation 2017/1129 on the Prospectus, in accordance with at least the same arrangements made for the publication of the Prospectus. No obligation for the publication of a supplement to the Prospectus applies after the commencement of trading of the Shares on the Regulated Market of the Athens Exchange and the Regulated Market of the Vienna Stock Exchange.

Distribution of the Prospectus and any other documents or information contained in this link and this webpage may be in general restricted by the law and the regulatory framework applicable in some countries. This webpage and its content do not in any way constitute an offer for sale or solicitation to buy any securities in any jurisdiction where such offer or solicitation is unlawful under its applicable legislative and regulatory framework.

Finally, investors outside of Greece and Austria or investors subject to the relevant legislation and jurisdiction of other countries may be prohibited to exercise any rights deriving from the Shares, regardless of whether they acquire Shares in any way. If you are viewing this website from the USA, Canada, South Africa, Australia, Japan and / or any other country other than Greece and Austria, where the information provided in the Prospectus is not permitted by the law, please leave this website.


You should read the following important notice before accessing, reading or using in any way the Prospectus on this website.

This Prospectus of the company under the corporate name “AUSTRIACARD HOLDINGS AG” (hereafter the “Company”) which can be accessed through this link ( of the website of NATIONAL BANK OF GREECE S.A., was approved by the Board of Directors of the Hellenic Capital Market Commission on 24.01.2023 and relates to the dual listing of the shares in the Company on the Regulated Market of the Athens Exchange and the Regulated Market of the Vienna Stock Exchange, including (a) the existing shares in the Company and (b) the new shares in the Company to be issued in the context of a capital increase due to the merger by absorption by the Company of the company under the corporate name “INFORM P. LYKOS HOLDINGS S.A.” (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Shares”).

The Prospectus is not published in relation to and does not constitute offer of Shares by or on behalf of the Company.

The Prospectus was approved by the Board of Directors of the Hellenic Capital Market Commission following its transfer by the Austrian Financial Market Authority pursuant to article 20(8) of Regulation (EU) 2017/1129, in connection with the information that must be furnished to investors as required under Regulation (EU) 2017/1129, Greek law 4706/2020 and Delegated Regulations (EU) 2019/979 and 2019/980, as amended and in force. The aforementioned approval shall not be considered as an endorsement of the Company and the quality of the Shares that are the subject of the Prospectus. Investment in the Shares entails risks. Investors should make their own assessment as to the suitability of investing in the Shares.

The Prospectus will be valid for one (1) year from the date of its approval by the Board of Directors of the Hellenic Capital Market Commission. Each significant new factor, material mistake, or material inaccuracy relating to the information included in the Prospectus which may affect the assessment of the Shares in the Company and which arises or is noted between the time when the Prospectus is approved and the commencement of trading of the Shares on the Regulated Market of the Athens Exchange and the Regulated Market of the Vienna Stock Exchange, will be included in a supplement to the Prospectus which will be published in accordance with article 23 of the Regulation 2017/1129 on the Prospectus, in accordance with at least the same arrangements made for the publication of the Prospectus. No obligation for the publication of a supplement to the Prospectus applies after the commencement of trading of the Shares on the Regulated Market of the Athens Exchange and the Regulated Market of the Vienna Stock Exchange.

Distribution of the Prospectus and any other documents or information contained in this link and this webpage may be in general restricted by the law and the regulatory framework applicable in some countries. This webpage and its content do not in any way constitute an offer for sale or solicitation to buy any securities in any jurisdiction where such offer or solicitation is unlawful under its applicable legislative and regulatory framework.

Finally, investors outside of Greece and Austria or investors subject to the relevant legislation and jurisdiction of other countries may be prohibited to exercise any rights deriving from the Shares, regardless of whether they acquire Shares in any way. If you are viewing this website from the USA, Canada, South Africa, Australia, Japan and / or any other country other than Greece and Austria, where the information provided in the Prospectus is not permitted by the law, please leave this website.


You should read the following important notice before accessing, reading or using in any way the Prospectus on this website.

This Prospectus of the company under the corporate name “AUSTRIACARD HOLDINGS AG” (hereafter the “Company”) which can be accessed through this link ( of the website of NATIONAL BANK OF GREECE S.A., was approved by the Board of Directors of the Hellenic Capital Market Commission on 24.01.2023 and relates to the dual listing of the shares in the Company on the Regulated Market of the Athens Exchange and the Regulated Market of the Vienna Stock Exchange, including (a) the existing shares in the Company and (b) the new shares in the Company to be issued in the context of a capital increase due to the merger by absorption by the Company of the company under the corporate name “INFORM P. LYKOS HOLDINGS S.A.” (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Shares”).

The Prospectus is not published in relation to and does not constitute offer of Shares by or on behalf of the Company.

The Prospectus was approved by the Board of Directors of the Hellenic Capital Market Commission following its transfer by the Austrian Financial Market Authority pursuant to article 20(8) of Regulation (EU) 2017/1129, in connection with the information that must be furnished to investors as required under Regulation (EU) 2017/1129, Greek law 4706/2020 and Delegated Regulations (EU) 2019/979 and 2019/980, as amended and in force. The aforementioned approval shall not be considered as an endorsement of the Company and the quality of the Shares that are the subject of the Prospectus. Investment in the Shares entails risks. Investors should make their own assessment as to the suitability of investing in the Shares.

The Prospectus will be valid for one (1) year from the date of its approval by the Board of Directors of the Hellenic Capital Market Commission. Each significant new factor, material mistake, or material inaccuracy relating to the information included in the Prospectus which may affect the assessment of the Shares in the Company and which arises or is noted between the time when the Prospectus is approved and the commencement of trading of the Shares on the Regulated Market of the Athens Exchange and the Regulated Market of the Vienna Stock Exchange, will be included in a supplement to the Prospectus which will be published in accordance with article 23 of the Regulation 2017/1129 on the Prospectus, in accordance with at least the same arrangements made for the publication of the Prospectus. No obligation for the publication of a supplement to the Prospectus applies after the commencement of trading of the Shares on the Regulated Market of the Athens Exchange and the Regulated Market of the Vienna Stock Exchange.

Distribution of the Prospectus and any other documents or information contained in this link and this webpage may be in general restricted by the law and the regulatory framework applicable in some countries. This webpage and its content do not in any way constitute an offer for sale or solicitation to buy any securities in any jurisdiction where such offer or solicitation is unlawful under its applicable legislative and regulatory framework.

Finally, investors outside of Greece and Austria or investors subject to the relevant legislation and jurisdiction of other countries may be prohibited to exercise any rights deriving from the Shares, regardless of whether they acquire Shares in any way. If you are viewing this website from the USA, Canada, South Africa, Australia, Japan and / or any other country other than Greece and Austria, where the information provided in the Prospectus is not permitted by the law, please leave this website.